Hanna Brotherus | Works
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Lust, Finnish National Theatre, 2017

A production involving theatre professionals, students and recovering addicts. The question stated: what comes after addiction?

Movers, 2017

Musicians don’t dance. Except for now. Jukka Perko, Felix Zenger, Esko Järvelä and Jouko Kyhälä with presenter Oskari Mänttäri in a world of groove, improv and play during the Tuokio-club tour.

To Be, Kuopio Dance Festival, 2017

A dance piece that weaves together the stories of dancer Sini Länsivuori (Tero Saarinen Company) with those of 8-year-old Lorenia Lönnqvist and 81-year-old Ritva Kattelus by video projections into a delicate and compelling whole.

Töppöhörö, Finnish National Theatre, 2016

A collaboration with director Juha Hurme. Poignancy, homophobia, racism and brashness, until the Töppöhörö Jarkko Lahti meets the Tinker Bell Alina Tomnikov.

Hanna B, Finnish National Theatre, 2015

The only dance piece in history where the audience is fed both spiritual nourishment and stage-baked bread. The core question of this solo piece is: after four children, can I give birth to myself?

Container, 2013

In this piece the children are put in a container during the World Village Festival. This collaborative work with Amnesty quite plainly shows where the world’s best country sends children seeking refuge.

I Won´t Leave Here Quietly, 2009

An exuberant piece about the mental state of Finland after the economic boom. With three professional dancers on stage, supported by the 50 members of the mixed choir Koiton Laulu.